UTM Validator
Got UTM links? Our UTM validator is here to make sure they’re up to code – no more tracking slip-ups!
How to use Fixx Boxx UTM Validator?
Using our UTM validator is easier than finding the TV remote! Just drop up to 10 UTM links into the input field, making sure each link gets its own row – no crowding. Hit the “Validate” button to see if your links are good to go or need some TLC. If you want to start over, just smack that “Reset” button, and you’ll be back to square one, ready to give your UTM links another spin. Simple as that!
How To Fix UTM Errors?
So, you’ve got a few UTM errors – no biggie! It’s like forgetting your keys on the way out: annoying, but totally fixable. Here’s how to whip those pesky UTM links into shape.
utm_source is a required parameter: Think of “utm_source” as the VIP of your UTM party – without it, nobody gets in. Make sure every link includes “utm_source=” followed by where your traffic is coming from. It’s as essential as coffee on a Monday morning.
utm_source doesn’t have any value: Don’t leave “utm_source” hanging like an awkward text with no reply. After “utm_source=”, make sure you actually give it some value – like “utm_source=google” or “utm_source=newsletter”. It’s like giving your car keys to the valet; they can’t do much without the actual keys.
URL contains spaces. Check URL and remove any spaces: If your link has spaces, it’s like tripping over your own shoelaces – messy and totally avoidable. Just remove any spaces and your links will be strutting smoothly again.
Only one ? is allowed. Remove additional question marks: Question marks are like movie tickets – you only need one to get in. If your link has multiple question marks, it’s like trying to enter the theater with a stack of tickets for the same seat. Keep just one ?
at the start of your UTM parameters, and kick the extras to the curb.
UTM parameters don’t have a question mark at the beginning: The question mark is the gatekeeper between your website and its tracking buddies. If you forgot it, your UTM parameters are just loitering around with no place to go. Always start your parameters with a ?
right after the main URL.
Link contains characters that are not allowed: If your link is littered with weird symbols and funky characters, it’s like showing up to a black-tie event in your pajamas – just not appropriate. Stick to the basics: letters, numbers, -, _, &, =, +, ., /, : and ?. Keep it classy!
Fixing these errors is easy when you know where to look, and soon your UTM links will be cruising smoothly, taking your analytics where they need to go. Now, go forth and validate like a pro!
Why Do I Get a Warning?
Warning – Capital letters are allowed, but not recommended. – You’re getting a warning because your UTM link contains capital letters.
While capital letters won’t break your tracking, it’s a bit like wearing mismatched socks – technically, you can get away with it, but it’s not the best look. The real issue comes when you start mixing uppercase and lowercase letters in different links.
For example, if you use “Facebook” in one link and “facebook” in another, tools like Google Analytics might see these as two separate sources and track them separately.
This can lead to fragmented data and a less accurate picture of where your traffic is coming from. So, this warning is just a friendly reminder to keep things consistent and stick to lowercase letters for a cleaner, more reliable tracking setup.